Generally new users are able to figure out all of the elements of lifedotsport by simply clicking on the options on the navigation bar at the top of each page and then exploring further...  

To help you with some of the more frequently asked questions, please see below:

Where do I start?

The beauty of lifedotsport all came clear to me when I uploaded a photo and filled in MyProfile.  I started thinking about all the pics I have from kiteboarding, karate, motorcycling, etc. and then the uploading began. I used my phone to take pics of some memorabilia that I have, and posted that...  It wasn’t long before lifedotsport become a little addictive...

How do I reset my password?

In the event of a lost password, click on Lost Password on the login page and enter the email address you used to initially register. lifedotsport will immediately send you a verification page via email. (Depending on your spam filter settings, you may find this mail caught in your spam filter.) Click on the link in the body of that email and a new password will be sent to you. Once you are able to re-enter the site go to Settings and create the password of your choice.

When I click on ‘Join Now’ why does nothing happen?

When you click Join Now, the system uses a pop-up box to record your information.  If your pop-up blocker is turned on, it will not allow lifedotsport to deliver you the registration page. Turning off your pop-up blocker will allow you to register.  Once you have done so, you can then turn the blocker back on as it will not affect your using lifedotsport in the future.

What does Edit Page on MyProfile and MyWorld offer?

When you click on Edit Page, it will take you to a page that offers you an array of widgets.  Here you can drag and drop the various elements that you want on your profile page (or remove those that don't).  Once you have customized your pages to your liking, click Save and voila, your pages will be presented to you as selected.

What is the difference between MyProfile and MyWorld?

MyProfile and MyWorld work together.  Everything about me is in MyProfile; everything that my friends post shows up in MyWorld (just as everything I post on MyProfile shows up in my friends’ MyWorld). Hope that helps.

How do I invite my friends to join me in lifedotsport?

You can extend an invitation to join lifedotsport to all of your friends by clicking on Invite Your Friends on MyWorld page or on Friends (on the navigation bar), then click on Invite.  The default invite text can be used as is, or you can delete it and write whatever you wish.  When you click Send, your invitation will go out. (Another reason to get started on your profile and uploading your sports pics right now - so that you can be ready for them! ;o)

If you want some tips and/or inspiration for your own sporting activities, check out the profiles of other athletes in lifedotsport.  Simply type in the name of the sport in the Search box on the top right hand side of the page, click on Go and your will get returns of those who practice that sport.  Feel free to friend anyone you find interesting in lifedotsport… We’re sure you'll find that you have lots in common!

What’s on my Mind?  (The Wire)

The Wire is lifedotsport’s version of Twitter.  When you connect the two, which is a simple self-explanatory process, both your Wire and Twitter posts will show up in both of those spaces.

How do I create 'Collections of Friends' when sending inmail?

To create and add friends to different collections, click on the 'Friends' tab on the navigation bar. On the lefthand list of options, click on 'New friends collection'.  Once you have named your new collection and added friends, click 'Save'.  Every time you would like to send mail to a specific grouping you will find them in the 'Collection of friends' drop down menu, which appears when you click on 'Compose a message'.

Why can’t I post a video?

1. Select the YouTube link of the video from the YouTube browser bar
2. Click on Add new video from lifedotsport
3. Paste the copied link onto 'Video url' column
4. Sample YouTube link would be: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82o9qwwz4DU
5. Sample Invalid link that cannot be pasted on Lifedotsport: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=82o9qwwz4DU
6. Change Access if needed.
7. Click Save to save the video.